Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Bad mood


I cycled 9.5 miles yesterday which I really enjoyed. Then I had a sleep and woke up in a really foul mood for no reason. This carried on the whole evening and I still have it today. It's driving me nuts which is making me go into an even worse foul mood. I had anxiety dreams that woke me up this morning. I usually have those when I have codeine withdrawal. I haven't had codeine in a couple of days so would make sense. So I'm taking low doses of co-codamol today to dampen down the anxiety and foul mood. B was very sweet last night and cooked me dinner so I've done all the cleaning today.

I can't stop eating today!! I had overnight oats for breakfast at 9.00am, then vegetable stew at 12.00pm and then a whole packet of pasta 'n' sauce at 2.30pm and I'm still hungry!! I can only put it down to the exercise I've been doing and the lack of codeine clogging me up. 

I'm proud of myself for not wallowing in my foul mood today. I got myself out to the local supermarket to get the new limited edition muller light peanut and caramel yoghurts. And then came back and cleaned. 

Found out yesterday I'm no longer allowed to continue with my teaching course since I've had too much time off work. I don't know why, but it doesn't bother me. I'm gutted because I'm going to miss my course friends but it's pressure that I don't need at the moment. I'm quite happy just to focus on my job and myself for now. I feel as though I have a better chance of making time for myself to get better. I think I may be feeling a little optimistic, although I have been feeling more depressed the past couple days. But I just need to take one day at a time. I've come so far and I can see it.

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