Tuesday, 26 January 2016

So. Much. Pain


I was kept up until 5am yesterday morning due to a neighbour having friends round. I took a sleeping pill to try and sleep but it didn't work and took another at 3am. This led me to not waking up until B got home from work at 4.30pm. I felt so out of sorts and I'm not sure if it's related but last night I was in so much pain from the endo. This has carried on today. I'm feeling so down and fed up of it now. I'd say my mood is still stable but it doesn't stop me from feeling down. 

My diet has been really unhealthy the past few days so I'm limiting my intake until weigh in. I had a bad day on sunday and so I turned to food. Then the pain last night made me turn to food again. I'm so disappointed in myself. Due to the pain, my painkiller intake has sky rocketed. I'm sick of taking them but I have no choice. I've made a doctors appointment for friday but I don't think there is anything I can do.

I need some serious cheering up. 

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